Saturday, November 24, 2007

I am about to have a coronary

I am about to have a coronary - and to make matters worse is I'm blanking on where or what that would involve other than biological chaos... ack... why? other than exams, I have our annual office party which always falls before exams - getting drunk before the exams are finished is how I roll... start the celebration early, ignore reality right? Anyways CinCin is where we are headed - a high end Mediterranean restaurant downtown - any they're cooking a vegan menu for me and it's making me neurotic as hell - what are they going to feed me? do they know what vegan is - you know I'm not some lame assed veggie you know? Even lamer though - they're known for their desserts and you know what I get for dessert? Fruit! Bloody hell - I told Jas I'm going to be sneaking in some cookies. You can't tell me a talented pastry chef can't Google for one and two can figure out the wonders of tofu? Sheesh... I know Cheryl you're wondering - yes I will be taking pictures so all can witness, and if I sense even the littlest bit of pretension from this $70/person menu dinner I will be all over their anti-vegan behinds. Regardless I'll be sure to have at least a bowl of cereal before I leave - in case the servings are tiny, late or awful, as the last thing I want is what happened the first year - the party started at 7 and we didn't get appetizers until after 9, so what did we do for 2 hours - drink of course - martini's are a girl's best friend, especially when the boss is paying.

The picture is courtesy of the Vegan Visitor - a Torontonian vegan who can take pictures!! She can't be all that bad - the blog is gorgeous! See she made creme brule even... come on fruit - better be some good fruit...

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