Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Study Break

Okay Leaha you're not here to write messages to - so I'm going to do a little quick typing - empty a little bit more from my brain if you will. Okay first one - I get that it's exam time and people have better things to do than shower - but seriously, it's not hot, if I may for the only time in my life channel Paris - there was a guy two spaces down this morning and now the one next to me - now supposedly from a purely genetic stand point it's suppose to be good thing - but you know since going vegan my sense of smell has increased and it drives me crazy - and not in that way. Oh well, on the good news front this final for tomorrow is not cumulative - but it is math intensive - ewww. Anyways back to the books - keep commenting since you know this won't be the last time I'm on today.

One more thing - in my attempt to calm myself or whathaveyou I'm listening to cheesy Christian music - and I heard one of the saddest lines in a Point of Grace song - Saving Grace. Basically summed up as we need to go them rather than having them come to us - what would a Church have to offer? What does the Church have to offer?

I guess I'll just keep adding on - Another tidbit - can I go back to my English degree? I miss those days when finals were easy and it was all about making your BS look fantabulous... not like now about making sure it's accurate BS - more specifically that the ratio of regurgitation to BS is significantly in favor the regurgitation... and the filler still looks like you know your stuff. Seriously is a client ever going to ask me why the CPAFLA protocol is better than the ACSM - and if you do ask - you know what you're going to hear - how about we do both and you tell me - there's a huge difference between a push up to where your chest is a fist above the ground to where it has to touch...

Btw Leaha - I'm not sure what I'm going to do - stay until 7 - go the gym, shower and then go to Starbucks until they close and then sleep...?


Anonymous said...

i have an exam at 830 am too! and yes, it's one of those when i have to bs fantabulously... haha. i like how you phrased that.! my 2 exams next week though aren't so hard to bs.

GF Girl said...

yes I was pretty proud of my BA self for that line... Here's to waking up at 5:45am *raises coffee*

LeahA said...

Wake up at 4 am with me... and dont go to BIBLE school 4 that purpose Jenny Benny !

GF Girl said...

oh I can't believe you used that phrase - note to all - repeating of said phrase will result in death... seriously

LeahA said...

Jenny Benny

GF Girl said...

oh you're asking for it

LeahA said...

arent u suppose to be at starbucks until u fall asleep or something.. Jenn i am bigger and strong then you...and ur a pacifist... i am not... so who is really asking for it?

GF Girl said...

fine fine - no one else can use it then

Anonymous said...

I have an exam tomorrow at 9 too... boy oh boy. I was at one coffee shop (the organic one in cornerstone that I lurrve) until 5:30, quick break to murder a tree/print more readings out, then off to starbucks from 6pm until they kicked me out at 11:45. sigh. now I'm here in my room doing problems and eating peanut butter toast (don't worry, it's the natural organic kind...).

good luck tomorrow... I mean, today! If it's any comfort, I did my whole undergrad on exams like the one you have, and am writing a "BS fantabulously" exam myself tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Oh! and I Wanted you to see this:

It's tootie from the facts of life saying what we've been saying for the last few years:

"How Come" by Kim Fields

