Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Bitch is the New Black

As I type I have CNN on split screen, eagerly watching and hoping that Hilary pulls it out of the flames and beats Obama. Shawn and I have spent the last hour ranting back and forth about American Foreign Policy - aka Imperialism. Now I understand as Shawn mentioned that he wanted Hilary to have more grace. But the reality is - it isn't a beauty pageant - she's not competing on a platform of world peace and perfect makeup for all. We've required that she masculinate herself in order to play with the "big boys," and yet we call her a cold hearted bitch. Well she is and isn't that what you want? You want a president who doesn't act with a knee jerk reaction, someone who's cool, calm and collected? Someone who isn't going to use a phrase like evil empire, axis of evil, someone who isn't going to act without unilateral support, someone who doesn't have more bravado than brains.

Well on that note before I rant on about American Foreign policy and all the presidents Shawn and I decided really"muck"'d up the US in recent years - and funny enough Clinton wasn't on that list though Carter, Reagan, Nixon and the Bush's were -hmm I think we can determine we're both Democrats from that list...


Shawn said...

Actually I am a registered independent as I can't bring myself to be in the same class as Ted Kennedy, although Joe Liberman is my hero. Oh and Clinton, he might have made person decisions that were stupid, but who hasn't?

Anonymous said...

Carter was a democrat though, too... just goes to show that you don't have to be republican to mess up the country. It helps, though! ;)

GF Girl said...

Don't get either of us started on Carter... but I would have to agree it seems the GOP folks are better and mucking stuff up